Plaster up! On whiteness, wiseness and health

In a newly constructed building with 65 flats, there is “In a newly constructed building with 65 flats, there is now, thanks to you, dear Ines, and thanks to D Thanks to you, dear Ines, and thanks to your educational and awareness-raising work, as well as the support you always provided promptly in the not always easy negotiations with the general contractor and the architect of the development, there is now exactly one flat in which the walls are plastered in a healthy and organic way. This eco-plaster is in turn a wonderful basis for natural and cosy colours that create an interior in which I can stay healthy and feel completely at ease!”

PD Dr. Gerald Bechtle

Not all white walls are the same. The building specification for this project clearly stated that the colours planned by the developer would contain solvents. Therefore, we sought dialogue and requested that only solvent-free paints and well-tolerated plasters would be used in order to strengthen spatial health and comfort value. Exhalations from highly industrially produced paints are often not noticed, or only unconsciously, because far too little is known about how good healthy rooms should smell – even and especially when they are brand new.