Through the world with open eyes: What it means to learn from role models

Life come into this world wearing white, but it begins to acquire color in the instant that assumes concrete form and touches the earth, like a yellow chick emerging from a white egg.1

Project work by students in the CoCreate programme

  • University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland FHNW
  • School of Art and Design HGK
  • Institute Arts and Design Education IADE
CoCreate, Seminar 08
Colour in design and well-being. Information carrier and energy storage as pigment and pixel


The book content is presented as a Book Box to represent the respective content.
We present the pictures of the Book Box “White” in Colour Talks Quarterly – 02, which is about the La Dolce Vita Tricolore Red-Green-White.

Reading impressions of the students

Vanessa Braun:
Seeing papers and the theme of “white” through the eyes of Japanese culture makes one aware of how much potential emptiness, not-yet-being holds. The book reflects such a deep devotion to the creative questions that every page that every page, every “white” wall viewed, and even the word itself, triggers a whole new way of looking at it. Kenya Hara not only invites us to read his lines – he invites us to consider a different view of the origin of creation.
origin of creation.
Viviane Herzog:
Kenya Hara actually manages to convey a sense of the myriad nuances that white can have in “White”. It awakens curiosity and a spirit of discovery for the power that white holds. Thanks to Hara’s accessible images and strong language, his statements are easy to grasp and I am sure that “Weiss” will continue to have a strong influence on my design.
Elisa De Carvalho:
Kenya Hara has addressed so many more issues in his book “Weiss” than I suspected at the beginning. The deeper insight into Japanese culture and his interesting inputs on design made the book a very exciting experience.
exciting experience.
Lisa Erb:
The book “White” by Kenya Hara not only gave me a completely different perspective on white and white space, but also on its meaning. The deep insight into Japanese culture was very interesting and made me see connections in everyday life that I had not noticed before. The simplicity with which this profound topic was described captivated me very much to the book.
Hara, Kenya