Through the world with open eyes: What it means to learn from role models

Life come into this world wearing white, but it begins to acquire color 📄...

How neutral is white?

White is fullness and emptiness at the same time. For example, it stands for process and transience, forbeginning and end, for peace and purity.

Steffen Raumkonzepte

With great business away from white emptiness

Fritz Steffen. Managing Director, Federally Certified Master Interior Decorator


Working method: Surface effects and wellbeing

At Latrace, the focus is on wellbeing. It is about creating a relationship and connection between people, brands and spaces.


Plaster up! On whiteness, wiseness and health

In a newly constructed building with 65 flats, there is “In a newly constructed building with 65 flats, there is now, thanks to you, dear Ines,


Food Culture / Dream in white

No matter what you prepare in the kitchen from good ingredients and natural foods – the result will never be completely white, neither in baking nor in cooking.
